
2011-14  MFA The Funen Art Academy (DK)
2012-13  The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen (DK)
2009-11  Valand Academy of Fine Arts, Gothenburg (SE)
2001-05  BA Art History, University of Copenhagen (DK)

Selected Exhibitions

2023 THERYTORY: Simulated Spaces, Titled Gallery w. Mie Lund, Nem Askovic, Alen Aligrudić m.fl (DK)
2023 Spirefestival w. Myne Søe-Pedersen, Marianne Jørgensen, Sabine Wedege, Mette Juul m.fl (DK)
2023 Hot Summer, Rank Gallery w. Anette Højlund, Morten Schelde, Eske Kath, Birgit Bjerre m.fl (DK)
2023 Hosting Relations, c4 projects w. Heidi Hove, Jens Axel Beck, Anna Bak, Gudrun Hasle m.fl (DK)

2022 Luise Noora Sejersen, solo exhibition, Huset i Asnæs (DK)
2022 Falling on deaf Ears, Magenta Gallery, Copenhagen

2021 REBUILD, solo exhibition, c4 projects (DK)
2021 Cromisterne, Pakhusgalleriet (DK)

2020 Cromisterne (online), PakhusGalleriet (DK)
2020 Sometimes They Come Back, Efter Et Nyt Minut, duo show w. Christian Bang Jensen (DK)

2019  100 – The Intimacy Contribution, Galleri CC, Malmö (SE)
2019  Spirefestival, Holbæk (DK)
2019  Plastik, Atelier Prag 61, Copenhagen

2019  Mapping Echoes, Udstillingsstedet Sydhavn Station (DK)
2019  The Final Exhibition (Cph Art Week), Axel Towers, Copenhagen 
2019  Threshold Spaces, solo exhibition, Eks-rummet, Copenhagen

2018 Cover, Eks-rummet, Copenhagen

2017  Walther og Langgaards Julestue, Julius Bloms gade 18, Copenhagen
2017  Fontaine – 100 years later, Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon (DK)
2017  The Final Exhibition (Cph Art Week), Langelinie Allé 47, Copenhagen 
2017  Spirefestival, Holbæk (DK)
2017  Metanoia, solo exhibition, c4 projects, Copenhagen 

2016  The Sum of All Effects, Huset for Kunst og Design, Holstebro (DK)
2016  Festival of Endless Gratitude, Copenhagen 
2016  A Greater Effect, c4 projects, Copenhagen 
2016  Afterlife Extensions, solo exhibition, PVC, Copenhagen 
2016  KP16 The Artists’ Easter Exhibition, Aarhus Kunsthal (DK)
2016  Fokus Video Art Festival, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen
2016  BKF’s sekretariat, Copenhagen

2015  Polar Twins, RumOs, Copenhagen
2015  City Link Exhibition, Biscuit factory, Edinburgh (SCO)

2015  I am inside of you, solo exhibition, Eks-rummet, Copenhagen

2014  The candle burns from both ends, Brandts 13, Odense (DK)
2014  The Spring Salon at Liljevalchs, Stockholm (SE)

2013  The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog pt. III, c4 projects, Copenhagen 
2013  KE13 The Danisk Artists’ Autumn Exhibition, Den Frie, Copenhagen 
2013  Rundgang, The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen 

2012  Art Video, Husets Bio, Copenhagen 
2012  DFK III, Brandts, Odense (DK)
2012  Gender now!? Galleri KiT, Trondheim (NO)

2011  Machine Raum, International Video Art Festival, Vejle Art Museum (DK)
2011  First Annual School Show, Odense (DK)
2011  Niels Bjerres Vænge 15 – an exhibition about the occult, Odense (DK)

2010  Disorientation, solo exhibition, Galleri Maskinen, Umeå (SE)
2010  Valand Spring Exhibition, Gothenburg (SE)
2010  The Spring Salon at Liljevalchs, Stockholm (SE)

2009  50x50x50, Galleri Jytte Arntzen, Copenhagen
2009  Collage and transformation, solo exhibition, Gladsaxe Hovedbibliotek (DK)

2008  DCK#08 Den Censurerede Kunstudstilling, Odense (DK)

Grants and residencies

2023  Legatophold Klitgaarden, Skagen

2022  Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond
2022  Stipendiat, The Danish Institute in Athens (GR)

2019  Production Grant, The Danish Arts Foundation
2019  Working Grant, The Danish Arts Foundation
2019  Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond
2019  Residency Award, Siena Art Institute (IT)
2019  Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond (Siena)

2018  Knud Højgaards Fond and Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg (Threshold spaces)
2018  Stipendiat, The Danish Institute in Athens (GR)
2018  Billedhuggeren, Professor Gottfred Eickhoff og Maleren Gerda Eickhoffs Fond
2018  Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond

2017  Stipendiat, The Danish Institute in Rome (IT)

2015  Bucharest Air (RO)
2015  City Link Copenhagen-Edinburgh artist exchange (GB)


2022       ArtCrafting workshop, Skitse, Copenhagen
2022       Guest teacher, Testrup Højskole

2019       Artist talk and guest teacher, Siena Art Institute (IT)

2016-17  Art educator, Copenhagen Contemporary, Papirøen
2016       Guest teacher, Dansk Talentakademi, Holstebro

2015       Video workshop with Google Earth Pro, City Link Festival, Copenhagen

2004-09  Art educator, Arken Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen

2003       Project assistant, Århus Art Museum


2016-21   Curator at c4 projects, artist-run exhibition space, Copenhagen